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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Tracking Products

Tracking Products
Being able to accurately  track products through the supply chain is becoming more important than ever, I think there are many reasons for this, with a large drive coming from consumers who want better visibility as to where products have come from. Therefore businesses must find efficient methods for doing this.
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Top barcoding facts

Top barcoding facts
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Size Does Matter!

Size Does Matter! 
I was recently asked by a client what was the smallest 2D matrix barcode they could print and attach to one of their products. We conducted some tests and established that (using a standard printer and inkjet paper) the smallest 2D matrix barcode that we could scan was 4mm.

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Scanning locations

This may not be as daft a question as it seems at first! If you use a wireless handheld scanning device it would seem logical that you can use it to scan products in different locations, ie. inside and outside the warehouse.
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RFID vs Barcode

I’ve been hearing various whispers that the humble barcode is threatened and will be replaced by “new” technology that will be RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) based. However, the barcode is still everywhere and actually so is the RFID.
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