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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Any time, anywhere

Online retail has been growing since 2012 when shopping via mobile devices first became widely adopted. A forecast by Barclays suggested that online shopping will rise by 29% between now and 2018 with 70% of shoppers seeking more innovative and rapid delivery options. Have you heard about Amazon’s trial with Audi and DHL delivering parcels direct to customers’ car boots?

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#SageSC win a GoPro from Datalinx #whmx3

b2ap3_thumbnail_screen-shot.pngThank you everyone who entered our Datalinx competition to win a GoPro Hero at the Sage ERP X3 Sales Conference, in Istanbul. 

We had such a great week and it was lovely to meet so many of you over there and share some of the functionality of Warehouse Manager X3 with you all (which our UK Business Partners have been enjoying for a while).

We look forward to seeing you again in person at Sage Summit in New Orleans in July.

Watch the prize draw here...

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Sage ERP X3 Global Conference 2015 Istanbul

b2ap3_thumbnail_rsz_mel_istanbul.pngWe are pleased to announce we will again be attending Sage ERP X3 Global Sales Conference, in Istanbul 11th - 13th May 2015. Demonstrating Warehouse Manager X3 on version 7 of Sage ERP X3.

The packed agenda included keynotes and live demonstrations from more than 70 speakers making it an informative event and enabling attendees to get deeper insights from Sage experts and executives about strategy and share high level knowledge, experiences and expertise on a global platform.

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Sage Distribution Agreement

b2ap3_thumbnail_distribution_icon_logo.pngSage Business Solutions, a leading global supplier of business management software, today announced it has signed a Distribution agreement with Datalinx, offering Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Island customers a range of integrated warehousing solutions that enable significant cost savings and operational benefits in key areas such as warehouse, manufacturing and mobility.

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Sage Certified vs Sage Approved

b2ap3_thumbnail_sage_certified_logo_generic.jpgDue to the vast number of Sage add-ons available, Sage introduced various certification and accreditation programmes. To assist in proving a company’s competency, monitor the standards and improve the quality of add-ons developed.

There are 3 key ways to check the certification of the add-on you are interested in:

1.Sage Certification
2.Sage Approved
3.Sage Developer Awards

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