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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Retail symbologies

Retail symbologies
It is worth noting that there are different barcode symbologies used on products in Europe compared to the USA.
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Quiet Zones

Quiet Zones “The Quiet Zones for linear barcodes are the solid, light areas before the first bar and after the last bar. For two-dimensional barcodes, the Quiet Zone is the light area around the barcode.” GS1
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New RFID Bar Code Interoperability Guidelines by GS1

New RFID Bar Code Interoperability Guidelines by GS1I thought you may be interested in GS1 General Specifications as these are the core standards describing how barcodes and identification keys should be used to comply with GS1 standards.
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Matrix Barcode Sizes

Matrix Barcode Sizes
I was recently asked by a client what was the smallest 2D matrix barcode they could print and attach to one of their products.
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Linear vs matrix

When you start at the beginning initially people come across two key types of barcode, linear and matrix. In my opinion, in general, you are more likely to work with linear barcodes unless you are in a specialised industry that needs vast amount of info encoded with the product.
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