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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Size Does Matter!

Size Does Matter! 
I was recently asked by a client what was the smallest 2D matrix barcode they could print and attach to one of their products. We conducted some tests and established that (using a standard printer and inkjet paper) the smallest 2D matrix barcode that we could scan was 4mm.

As we were testing in-house with limited resources we found we could only get this size to scan intermittently. However, if you used a high quality printer (600dpi) and printed onto a quality surface where the print would be sharp and crisp (we're not talking cardboard tubes where the ink soaks in and bleeds) then you could improve the scan rate and we would expect it to read every time. You would of course, also need to using a Matrix barcode scanner with 2D imager (not all handheld scanners have this functionality) to read your barcodes.

Top barcoding facts
Scanning locations

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