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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Remember when Black Friday was just one day?

It is estimated that during the 2021 Black Friday sale period buyers in the UK will spend £4.6billion with a typical spend per household of £275*

This year retailers have changed the traditional 'Black Friday Sale' format to run over an extended period during most of November. This extension provides several key benefits, including the ability to better manage demand, stock availability and internal business resource. This is particularly key this year in the UK where there are challenges within the supply chain with materials shortages, delivery delays, and increasing costs of production and we have seen more options being offered to consumers on how they can receive their orders.

The challenges of Black Friday shopping to the distributor 

Managing Black Friday demand with an integrated WMS system will ensure that you can meet peak seasonal demand whilst continuing to grow your business and Datalinx recommends that functionality includes:


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