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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Wireless Scanning

Wireless Scanning and scanners should not be confused with a wireless network, there is a subtle difference between the two.
Ok, so when you work with wireless scanners you provide your warehouse team with more flexibility. They can collate and/or pack orders as they are moving around the warehouse, which speeds up the dispatch process and they won't need to connect the handheld to the computer to transfer the data from the transactions they have just completed to your software package.
When it comes to receiving stock into your stores your team can scan the barcode location (bin) as the product is put into it. Giving you accurate (and true) information which you wouldn't necessarily get if the handheld couldn't be taken around the warehouse and you were assuming the product ended up in the correct location.
The alternative is to use fixed position scanners....b2ap3_thumbnail_MC9090-G_225x169.png

Why use barcodes?
EU Falsified Medicines Directive 2018

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