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Datalinx Blog

Welcome to the Datalinx blog. Here we cover a range of posts and conversations based around our experiences of warehousing, barcoding and Sage software.

Barcode Colours

Now there are all sorts of colour combinations that can be used as a barcode and if you’re not using the traditional white and black stripes it is always best to test your barcode design can be scanned before investing in a complete print run!

The thing to remember is the barcode reader uses a red light to scan the reflected area (or the gaps between the stripes).

The best colour combination is black bars on a white background. Other colours can be used but as you can see from the examples below, not all colour combinations work and some that you wouldn’t expect to work do (have a look at a Coca Cola can and you’ll see what I mean)!
These examples will give you an idea of the types of combinations that work (and don’t work). Although the key thing to remember is to only use a single solid colour with a lighter background colour eg, white, yellow, red, orange etc.


Barcode History
Allocating barcodes to products

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