By Liz Pearcy on Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Category: Hardware

The advantage of wireless scanners over tethered

Barcode scanners come in all shapes, sizes and types from the traditional basic tethered scanner to wireless hand helds with batch capabilities to RFID based mobile computers. Each device has advantage and disadvantages but when it comes down to it when you exclude price from your comparison the key points you are looking at are; freedom of use and safety and how rugged a device you need.

Freedom of use and safety

This is essential in a warehouse where scanners and staff need to roam and are required to pick orders, book goods in and out, stock take and more as they stay connected to Bluetooth. This allows the scanning of items without the risk of cords causing danger with ladders and other machinery.  This results in greater productivity and efficiency, which may also help to reduce labour costs.

Device Ruggedness

Wireless scanners have been developed for the environments where data collecting is done on the move; therefore there is a risk of them being dropped multiple times onto concrete floors often from a height. Motorola scanners are drop tested depending on the model of 5-6ft. 


However for stationary counters such as point of sale where the barcode scanner needs to stay in the same place a wired scanner does prevent it being misplaced.

·         Health and safety issues surrounding the cable length