By Liz Pearcy on Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Category: General

Meet the team...

This month we welcome Darryl Rabot to our pre-sales team. With a history in training as well as the pre/post sales arena, he is currently attending specialist Datalinx training to learn and demonstrate our applications; Advanced WMS 200, Warehouse Manager X3 and eFulfilment Manager, and he is looking forward to meeting and sharing his new knowledge and understanding of our products with our partners and customers.


Some key facts about Darryl…

"I started in production Engineering as a Mechanical Engineer/Toolmaker whilst learning CAD (Computer Aided Design).

From here I worked in pre/post sales environments and training for a number of UK resellers and training centres for a global software solution.

Whilst teaching and training CAD in engineering, architectural, media and entertainment across a wide spectrum of companies nationally and internationally, I’ve built relationships with industry knowledge, which has led to tutoring international students and lecturing at university."


And just for fun....outside of the office I’m a qualified Personal Trainer with a keen interest in sports events. 👟 🏃 🤻